API documentation
The Salto Nebula API allows you to integrate your software with Salto's cloud-based control access system and it's intended to be used by third party integrators to manage installations that use Salto hardware. The API is a remote procedure call (RPC) system that uses standard HTTP/2 for transport with Protocol Buffers as the interface description language. It returns Protocol Buffers but for the sake of readability the responses are JSON formatted.
Getting started and basics
Before getting started with the Nebula API, you should check out the Overview section in the left navigation bar. Here you'll find out how to authenticate with the Nebula API and more information about error messages and how pagination works, for example.
Reference documentation
The API reference documentation section contains resource descriptions, endpoints and methods, parameters, sample requests, and sample responses.
In-depth guides
Find out about more advanced features related to the Salto Nebula API in the developer guides section.